ImplementDiversity AB (556702-3980), Box 284, 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden

Gabriella Fägerlind

Gabriella Fägerlind has long experience working as a diversity consultant.

Gabriella Fägerlind has worked as a consultant with focus on workplace gender equality, diversity and inclusion since 1999. The clients are companies in the private sector as well as employers in the public sector. The consulting assignments are seminars and workshops as well as advice on how organizations can proceed in their work with gender equality, diversity and inclusion. This can for example be current situation analysis of the workplace, support in the work with Active measures in line with the requirements of the Discrimination Act, advice on how to quality assure the recruitment process from av gender equality and diversity perspective, KPI’s for gender equality, diversity and inclusion, support D&I project teams, develop gender equality and diversity policies and make compensation surveys.   

Gabriella has developed the disussion card game #atourworkplace a tool to discuss and develop gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. (Available in physical and digital versions, and available in English, Swedish, German, Spanish, Finnish and Polish). Gabriella has organized national and international conferences on gender equality, diversity and inclusive cultures, as well as study tours in Sweden, Europe and North America with a focus on diversity in working life.

Photo: Anna Viola Hallberg

Gabriella has written the books Mångfald i praktiken – handbok för verksamhetsutveckling and Jämställdhet i praktiken – så utvecklar ni er arbetsplats, as well as several reports and articles. See Published works for more information.

Gabriella Fägerlind holds a M. Sc. in Industrial Engineering and a Licentiate Engineering degree in Work Organization, from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. She is an part-time industrial PhD student at the Department of Industrial Economics and management at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Prior to working as a diversity and inclusion consultant in Sweden she lived three years in the USA working for the Swedish Office for Science and Technology. Among other projects she studied diversity management practices in the US.